Grey Goose 0011 Layer 10 1 sm

Grey Goose

The VX Bottle

We crafted this visually stunning spot, luxuriating in Grey Goose’s VX bottle design.

The bottle’s form was all about crisp, clear beauty. Our task was to show that off in full, Grey Goose glory. We captured the essence of the creative line ‘the spark when the extraordinary collide’ with a film that lingers on and delights in the details – and celebrates the divine payoff of the pouring moment.

Grey Goose 0004 Layer 18
Grey Goose 0015 Layer 6
Grey Goose 0019 Layer 2
Grey Goose 0008 Layer 13


Client: Grey Goose
Agency: The Forge Studio
Design & Direction: The Forge Studio
Production: HY Studio